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Dispatch Health

Dispatch Health from the book "How AI Can Democratize Healthcare" by Michael Ferro & Robin Farmanfarmaian


Dispatch Health Website

DispatchHealth is Urgent Care On-Demand that substitutes for an ER visit, whether that patient is covered by CMS, a commercial policy, or uninsured. A patient can call, use the app, or go on the website to contact DispatchHealth for urgent care, and the DispatchHealth ambulance will arrive within 2 hours with a medical technician and a nurse or physician’s assistant, outfitted with more supplies and equipment than a traditional ambulance. 

Currently DispatchHealth is available in over 30 cities across the U.S. and is expanding. In addition to Urgent Care, they also coordinate up to 30-day hospitalizations-at-home and a marketplace for ancillary services. DispatchHealth has forecasted that by 2023, they will have saved the healthcare system over $2B in cost savings.


Founded in 2014 by Mark Prather and Kevin Riddleberger

Co-founder & CEO Mark Prather
Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer Kevin Riddleberger