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Short Bio

Michael W. Ferro Jr is a healthcare tech entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of the Miami based Merrick Ventures. Merrick Ventures is a Private Equity Firm focused on democratizing healthcare, healthcare equity, and AI intersecting healthcare.

In addition to Merrick Ventures, Michael W Ferro, Jr has built and founded many companies that went IPO or were acquired. Michael Ferro, Jr’s most well-known acquisition was selling Merge Healthcare for $1B to IBM. In 2008, Merrick Ventures bought a controlling stake in Merge and Ferro spent 7 years building the company from near bankruptcy to billion-dollar valuation. Michael W Ferro, Jr founded Click Commerce, with an IPO valuation of over $1B.

Michael W Ferro Jr has won more than 15 awards, including the Forbes Tech’s 100 Highest Rollers, the Ernst & Young Technology Entrepreneur of the Year, and was an Emmy Award Nominee for Best Documentary.

Long Bio

Looking for Michael Ferro, Jr’s Long Bio? That can be found here.

Merrick Ventures

Merrick Ventures is a Private Equity Firm located in Florida and founded by Michael Ferro after his company Click Commerce went IPO. One of the most noteworthy exits was when Merge Healthcare sold to IBM for $1B in 2015.

Check out the news about the IBM Merge Healthcare acquisition in TechCrunch here.


The Michael and Jacqueline Ferro Foundation

The Michael and Jacqueline Ferro Foundation was founded in 2006. Of the many millions of dollars donated, the Foundation granted $1B to fight melanoma. Check out the Melanoma Research Alliance donation news here.


Michael W. Ferro, Jr.

Michael Ferro Jr
Michael Ferro Jr