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Moodfit from the book "How AI Can Democratize Healthcare" by Michael Ferro & Robin Farmanfarmaian


Moodfit Website

Moodfit is a freemium app that gives a user daily tools and insights for their mental health and well being. Because Moodfit recognizes there is no one-size-fits-all approach to behavioral health, it works with the user to come up with a personalized plan. The plan could include different approaches, such as CBT, goal setting, meditations, mood journaling, and breathing exercises.

CEO Ron Gentile


Freemium Behavioral Health

There are many direct-to-consumer and B2B2C smartphone apps available that are free for the basic app, or users can pay a monthly subscription fee for the premium version. In some cases, the B2B2C means the premium version is available for free through an employer’s wellness program.

Image from the Moodfit Website
Image from the Moodfit Website