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What are Digital Therapeutics?

What are Digital Therapeutics? by Michael Ferro and Robin Farmanfarmaian

A digital therapeutic is a type of high quality software application designed to deliver therapeutic interventions to patients through smartphones, tablets, or PCs. They can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic diseases, mental health disorders, and addiction.

When a digital therapeutic has FDA clearance and is available by prescription only, it is frequently called a Prescription Digital Therapeutic and abbreviated as PDT. The abbreviation DTx is also used to describe digital therapeutics, whether they are available and accessible as a direct-to-consumer, self-guided basis or by prescription only as an adjunct to traditional medical interventions and care.

Digital therapeutics can include a variety of different types of interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness training, or medication management and compliance tools.

Digital therapeutics hold the potential to increase access to care, especially for those who live in underserved areas or who have trouble accessing traditional, in-person healthcare services. They can also be a more convenient and cost-effective option for patients, as they can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7.

Additional Resources:

Digital Therapeutics Alliance: Non-profit organization

Digital Therapeutics: The Basics by Michael Ferro and Robin Farmanfarmaian

MEDTECHDIVE: Can digital therapeutics become profitable? Published 04/11/2022 by Elise Reuter

Example Companies: